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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Our Commitment

The diversity of students, faculty and staff at the Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications has been a source of innovation, excellence and leadership throughout our history.

Today Medill continues its commitment to creating an inclusive environment and to providing equity in opportunities regarding research, teaching, administration and student services. Medill is dedicated to creating a socially just community by strengthening policies, developing programs, and fostering acceptance for a broad range of communities and concepts. We aim to welcome students, staff and faculty from diverse backgrounds and support them so they may thrive in our community.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are also essential to the professional skills we teach in preparing our students for careers in media.

The Importance of DEI for Journalists

Professional journalists routinely seek to include a balanced range of voices and perspectives in their reporting – often reflecting two or more sides to a story, especially in the coverage of sensitive or controversial stories.

Equally vital is diversity among the journalists who gather news and decide how to present it. The more diverse their backgrounds, the more probing coverage can be.

Including a range of voices and backgrounds among sources and journalists themselves can effectively inform audiences on a deeper level. This can spur constructive action and positive social change, and it has the potential to encourage diversity, inclusion and acceptance in society as a whole. 

The Importance of DEI for Integrated Marketing Communications Professionals

Understanding consumers is key to integrated marketing communications. In an increasingly global and complex society, marketers strive to develop deep knowledge of and insight into the perspectives of diverse markets and cultures.

By considering the range of values, backgrounds, and identities of an audience, marketing communications professionals help clients maximize the relevance of their brands in the global marketplace by developing products and services that respond to diverse interests and stakeholders. An inclusive and comprehensive understanding of consumers enables marketers to communicate with audiences directly and engage them meaningfully.

Diverse perspectives among marketing communications professionals themselves is also important. Diversified teams that honor each member’s unique contributions and collaborate with mutual respect are in turn better able to engage and communicate with consumers who have a wide range of interests and perspectives.