Business Journalism
To earn your elective concentration in Business Journalism, you will take two classes. Please note these elective concentration courses are only available at Medill Chicago. Course titles and descriptions are subject to change:
Advanced business reporting
This class is designed for students to go beyond breaking news and spend time developing, reporting and producing text enterprise stories. Students will take what they learned in first-quarter Methods and the second-quarter business seminar (which is a pre-requisite) and apply it to their work in this course. The stories students produce should be portfolio-quality work, meaning students can use them when looking for internships, fellowships and jobs.
Business, Money and Markets Seminar
In the Business, Money and Markets seminar, students will gain knowledge and perspective on big trends in money and the economy and how they impact individuals, consumers and society. They will become familiar with the money and financial tools needed to understand and report the major stories of our time, including inflation, health care, income inequality, climate change, and big money in politics and business. Students are not expected to become experts in money and finance, but they will learn what resources can lead them to more answers. Importantly, they will learn to connect the dots between financial and economic news and how it impacts them, their community, the country and the world. This is essential knowledge for journalists in today’s data-driven world and is important perspective for those who plan a global career. In this course, students will:
- Develop important understanding and perspective on the global nature of the economy.
- Master basic business, financial and economic concepts that will enhance their reporting abilities, regardless of the topic.
- Better understand the forces that are shaping economic life and society in aging industrialized nations such as the U.S.
- Gain familiarity with concepts and tools that will enhance their own economic lives.