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Curtis MacDougall

Curtis MacDougall (MSJ26) was a member of the inaugural class of the Medill Hall of Achievement in 1997.

MacDougall was a legendary figure in journalism education. "Dr. Mac," as he was known to his students, was a Medill faculty member for 29 years. After his retirement in 1971, Northwestern named MacDougall professor emeritus of journalism.

In addition to teaching, MacDougall was the author of a dozen books and a candidate for political office. He also taught journalism at Lehigh University and then earned a doctorate in sociology from the University of Wisconsin in 1933.

From 1939 to 1942, MacDougall served as state supervisor of the Illinois Writers Project, which provided income to indigent writers, including Studs Terkel, Saul Bellow, Nelson Algren, Willard Motley, and Arthur Weinberg. When the Writers Project ended in 1942, MacDougall joined the Medill faculty.

He ran for political office three times. He lost a 1944 race for Congress as a Democrat in the strongly Republican 10th district. Four years later he campaigned unsuccessfully as the Progressive Party candidate. In 1979, he made another run for Congress but failed to win the Democratic primary.

MacDougall's best-known book, "Interpretative Reporting," was first published in 1932 and had eight editions printed.

MacDougall received his bachelor's degree from Ripon College.

He died in 1985.