Edgerly, S. (2022). Audience sensemaking: A mapping approach. Digital Journalism, 10(1), 165-187.
Suk, J., Shah, D., Bode, L., Edgerly, S., Thorson, K., Vraga, E. K., Wells, C., & Pevehouse, J. (2022). Political events in a partisan media ecology: Asymmetric influence on candidate appraisals. Mass Communication and Society. Online first publication.
Walter, N., Edgerly, S., & Saucier, C. (2021). Trust, then verify: When and why people fact-check partisan information. International Journal of Communication 15, 4734-4754.
Nelson, J. L. & Edgerly, S. (2021). The (ir)relevance of audience studies in journalism education. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. Online first publication.
Edgerly, S. (2021). The head and heart of news avoidance: How attitudes about the news media relate to levels of news consumption. Journalism. Online first publication.
Edgerly, S. & Thorson, K. (2020). Political communication and public opinion: Innovative research for the digital media age. Public Opinion Quarterly, 84, 189-194. [Special issue editorial]
Edgerly, S. & Vraga, E. K. (2020). That’s not news: Audience perceptions of ‘news-ness’ and why it matters. Mass Communication & Society, 23(5), 730-754.
Edgerly, S. & Vraga, E. K. (2020). Deciding what’s news: News-ness as an audience concept for the hybrid media environment. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 72(2), 416-434. Winner, JMCQ Outstanding Article Award 2020.
Edgerly, S., Mourao, R., Thorson. E., & Tham, S. (2020). When do audiences verify? How perceptions about message and source influence audience verification of news headlines. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(1), 52-71.
Edgerly, S. & Vraga, E. K. (2019). News, entertainment, or both? Exploring audience perceptions of media genre in a hybrid media environment. Journalism, 20(6), 807-826.
Edgerly, S. & Vraga, E. K. (2019). The blue check of credibility: Does account verification matter when evaluating news on Twitter? Accepted for publication at Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22(4), 283-287.
Edgerly, S., Thorson, K., & Wells, C. (2018). Young citizens, social media, and the dynamics of political learning in the U.S. presidential primary. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(8), 1041-1060.
Bode, L., Edgerly, S., Wells, C., Gabay, I., Franklin, C., Friedland, L., & Shah, D.V. (2018). Participation in contentious politics: Rethinking the roles news, social media, and conversation amid divisiveness. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 15(3), 215-229.
Thorson, K., Xu, Y., & Edgerly, S. (2018). Political inequalities start at home: Parents, children and the socialization of civic infrastructure online. Political Communication, 35, 178-195.
Taneja, H., Wu, A. X., & Edgerly, S. (2018). Rethinking the generational gap in online news use: An infrastructural perspective. New Media & Society, 20(5), 1792-1812.
Edgerly, S., Thorson, K., Thorson, E., Vraga, E. K., & Bode, L. (2018). Do parents still model news consumption? Socializing news use among adolescents in a multi-device world. New Media & Society, 20(4), 1263-1281.
Edgerly, S., Vraga, E. K., Bode, L., Thorson, K., & Thorson, E. (2018). New media, new relationship to participation? A closer look at youth news repertories and political participation. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(1), 192-212. Finalist, JMCQ Outstanding Article Award 2018.
Edgerly, S. (2017). Making sense and drawing lines: Young adults and the mixing of news and entertainment. Journalism Studies, 18(8), 1052-1069.
Wells, C., Cramer, K., Wagner, M. W., Alvarez, G., Friedland, L. A., Shah, D. V., Bode, L., Edgerly, S., Gabay, I., & Franklin, C. (2017). When we stop talking politics: The maintenance and closing of conversation in contentious times. Journal of Communication, 67, 131-157.
Edgerly, S. (2017). Seeking out and avoiding the news media: Young adults’ proposed strategies for obtaining current events information. Mass Communication & Society, 20(3), 358-377.
Edgerly, S., Gotlieb, M. R., & Vraga, E. K. (2016). “That show really spoke to me!”: The effects of compatible psychological needs and talk show host style on audience activity. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1950-1970.
Edgerly, S., Thorson, K., Bighash, L., & Hannah, M. (2016). Posting about politics: Media as resources for political expression on Facebook. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 13, 108-125.
Thorson, K., Edgerly, S., Vilenchik, N. K., Xu, Y., & Wang, L. (2016). Seeking visibility in a big tent: Digital communication and the people’s climate march. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4784-4806.
Edgerly, S. (2015). Red media, blue media, and purple media: News repertoires in the colorful media landscape. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59, 1-21.
Edgerly, S. Vraga, E. K., McLaughlin, B., Alvarez, G., Yang, J., & Kim Y.M. (2014). Navigational structure & information selection goals: A closer look at online selectivity. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 58 (4), 542-561.
Vraga, E. K., Bode, L., Yang, J., Edgerly, S., Thorson, K., Wells, C., & Shah, D. V. (2014). Political influence across candidate evaluations in the 2008 election. Information, Communication & Society, 17, 184-202.
Edgerly, S., Vraga, E. K., Dalrymple, K., Macafee, T, & Fung, T. (2013). Directing the dialogue: The relationship between YouTube videos and the comments that they spur. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 10, 276-292.
Borah, P., Edgerly, S., Vraga, E.K., & Shah, D.V. (2013). Hearing and Talking to the Other Side: Antecedents of Cross-Cutting Exposure. Mass Communication & Society, 16, 391-416.
Thorson, K., Driscoll, K., Ekdale, B., Edgerly, S., Gamber Thompson, L., Schrock, A., Swartz, L., Vraga, E., & Wells, C. (2013). YouTube, Twitter, and the Occupy Movement: Connecting content to circulation practices. Information, Communication & Society, 16, 421-451.
Kim, Y. M., Wang, M., Gotlieb, M. R., Gabay, I., & Edgerly, S. (2013). Ambivalence reduction and polarization in the campaign information environment: The interaction between individual-level and contextual-level influences. Communication Research, 40 (3), 388-416.
Vraga, E. K., Edgerly, S., Bode, L., Carr, D. J., Bard, M., Johnson, C., Kim, Y. M., & Shah, D. V. (2012). The correspondent, the comic, and the combatant: The consequences of host style in political talk shows. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89, 5-22.
Gunther, A. C., Edgerly, S., Akin, H., & Broesch, J. A. (2012). Partisan evaluation of partisan press. Communication Research, 39, 439-457.
Vraga, E. K., Edgerly, S., Wang, B. M., & Shah, D. V. (2011). Who taught me that? Repurposed news, blog structure, and source identification. Journal of Communication, 61, 795-815
Book Chapters
Edgerly, S. (2021). News consumers (and non-consumers). In V. Belair-Gagnon and N. Usher (Eds.), Journalism Research That Matters (pp. 103-114). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Edgerly, S. (2020). YouTube as a space for news. U.S. Election Analysis 2020: Media, Voters and the Campaign.
Edgerly, S. (2020). Audience activity model. In J. Van den Bulck (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Gotlieb, M. R., & Edgerly, S. (2020). Civic engagement (Putnam, 2000). In J. Van den Bulck (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Edgerly, S. (2018). A new generation of satire consumers? A socialization approach to youth exposure to news satire. In J. C. Baumgartner & A. B. Becker (Eds.), Political Humor in a Changing Media Landscape: A New Generation of Research (pp. 253-272). Lexington Books.
Thorson, K. & Edgerly, S. (2017). Civic engagement through media. In P. Roessler (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects (pp. 109-119). Wiley-Blackwell publishing.
Edgerly, S. & Thorson, K. (2016). Developing media preferences in a Post-Broadcast Democracy. In E. Thorson, M.S. McKinney, & D.V. Shah (Eds.), Political Socialization in a Media Saturated World (pp. 375-391). Peter Lang Publishing.
Bode, L., Vraga, E. K., Yang, J., Edgerly, S., Thorson, K., Shah, D. V., & Wells, C. (2016). Political engagement within parent-child dyads: Rethinking the transmission model of socialization in digital media environments. In C. Klofstadt, C. (Ed.), Resources, Engagement, and Recruitment: New Advances in the Study of Civic Voluntarism (pp. 127-144). Temple University Press.
Wells, C., Vraga, E. K., Thorson, K., Edgerly, S., & Bode, L. (2015). Youth civic engagement. In S. Coleman & D. Freelon (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Politics (pp. 199-220). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Edgerly, S., Bode, L., Kim, Y., & Shah, D. V. (2013). Campaigns go social: Are Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter changing elections? In T. N. Ridout (Ed.) New Directions in Media & Politics (pp. 82-99). Routledge Publishing.
Bode, L., Edgerly, S., Vraga, E. K., Sayre, B., & Shah, D. V. (2013). Digital democracy: How the Internet has changed politics. In A. Valdivia & E. Scharrer (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Media Studies – Media Effects/Media Psychology (pp. 505-524). Blackwell Publishing.