Audience Insight
Audience Insight
An introductory course in qualitative and quantitative audience research for journalists. Class blends background material from the behavioral sciences with techniques used in practice and focuses in three general areas: (1) the logic, implementation and analysis of primary research; (2) the ability to evaluate the quality, usefulness and appropriateness of research and results from other sources, and (3) the applicability of research to the practice of journalism. The class examines methods journalists can use to research audiences and understand their media behavior and preferences. Students learn a framework for analyzing audience behavior, focusing on audience insight. Topics include the cognitive, affective and behavioral processes underlying the choices audiences make (needs, perceptions, attitudes); descriptive audience characteristics (demographics, psychographics, VALS); and environmental influences on behavior (culture, family, economic situation). Students learn how to develop successful ideas for journalism content, products, and services by developing the skillset of audience insight.