Journalism Methods
Journalism Methods
This course provides rigorous grounding in the foundations of reporting and writing news stories. Medill students learn to report in the world’s best news lab – the streets of Chicago. Starting the first week, students will cover breaking news, enterprise and a range of other stories that ground them in reporting fundamentals. Working closely with the school’s acclaimed editors/instructors, students master basics that prepare them for success in print, broadcast or online media.
The fundamental lessons include understanding what news is; finding news stories and sources; interviewing effectively and efficiently; researching stories; verifying facts; writing clean, crisp news stories with impact; presenting information in alternative forms; and conducting oneself ethically professionally and ethically.
For the final four weeks, the classroom becomes a simulated newsroom, where students cover a “beat” – that’s a content specialty within a designated geographic area in Chicago or its suburbs – and file stories with a daily deadline. It’s fast-paced, intense and fun. Students leave News Reporting with skills and confidence they can tackle fast-breaking and complex stories.