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Journalism Residency

You have the opportunity to have a bright, talented undergraduate Medill student work at your organization and help that student gain real-world experience in return.

During our Journalism Residency program, students work full-time with veteran professionals in real-world environments for one quarter (11 weeks). The goal is for students to gain hands-on experiences that help them develop new skills, test existing skills, work under deadline pressure, hone their news judgment, sharpen fact-checking and research skills, explore new career paths and build confidence in their capabilities.

Tyler Pager holding up the front page of The Boston Globe
Tyler Pager (BSJ17) completed his Journalism Residency at the Boston Globe. A highlight of his residency was a front-page story exploring the effects of tighter immigration enforcement under the Trump administration.

Journalism Residency categories

  • Broadcast/Videography: Students gain experience writing, shooting and editing stories at TV stations
  • Magazine: Students enhance their understanding of the intricacies of magazine production
  • Marketing Communications: Students participate in persuasive writing and interactive communication
  • Newspaper/Online: Students conduct hands-on reporting, copy editing or web production

JR begins with an extensive application and placement process during which we assess students' skills, capabilities, previous experience and academic achievements. Our goal is to match JR applicants with employers in order to benefit both parties. Each Journalism Residency site chooses whether to pay an hourly wage directly to the JR student OR to provide a $1,250 grant. We then use these funds as stipends for students to help defray travel and housing expenses.


To learn more or to sign up to participate, please contact Tracy Van Moorlhelm.